Is Moissanite Waterproof? What You Need to Know

Is Moissanite Waterproof? What You Need to Know

Posted by Eddie R on Jul 15th 2024

Is moissanite waterproof? Moissanite is water-resistant but not waterproof. Brief contact is fine, but prolonged exposure or chemicals can dull its shine.

Learn how to protect your moissanite jewelry in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Moissanite is water-resistant but not completely waterproof, requiring careful handling to avoid prolonged exposure to moisture and harsh chemicals.
  • Proper care helps maintain the brilliance and longevity of moissanite pieces, including removing jewelry before swimming or showering and storing it in a dry, cool environment.
  • Routine professional cleaning and maintenance are essential for preserving moissanite jewelry's sparkle and structural integrity.

Is Moissanite Waterproof? What You Need to Know

When it comes to whether your moissanite jewelry can take a dip in the pool or withstand a sudden downpour, the answer is multifaceted. Moissanite is resistant to water, but it does not stand up well to prolonged moisture exposure and the various substances that often accompany it. All moissanite jewelry lacks complete water resistance, a critical factor for anyone wishing to preserve the gem’s spark for years.

Think of moissanite’s relationship with water like that of a seasoned swimmer—capable and resistant, yet not immune to the wear of the waves. While pure water does not harm a moissanite stone, the associated chemicals, like shampoos and conditioners, can impair its performance.

That’s why it’s prudent to safely store your jewelry away, whether facing water-related activities or just wearing moissanite pieces daily.

Is Moissanite Waterproof

Moissanite, the gemstone discovered over a century ago by the French scientist Henri Moissan, has captivated jewelry enthusiasts with its unparalleled brilliance and fire. 

Available in a spectrum of colors, from the classic white to the enigmatic black, moissanite adorns a variety of jewelry pieces, including engagement rings, earrings, and pendants. Its affordability and striking resemblance to diamonds make it a sought-after diamond alternative, especially among those who are conscious of the ethical implications of their purchases.

As moissanite gleams in different hues of gold and silver settings, it represents not just a stunning piece of jewelry but also a statement of values. The choice to wear a moissanite ring or gift it as an engagement ring to someone special is a nod to beauty and sustainability. Wearing moissanite jewelry, like a moissanite ring, promises to withstand the test of time and everyday wear, allowing its owners to enjoy its sparkle for years to come.

Understanding Moissanite's Water Resistance

Moissanite’s allure is not just skin deep; it extends to its remarkable durability. As a durable gemstone, moissanite can boast a high ranking on the Mohs scale, a testament to its ability to withstand everyday wear and tear. However, it’s worth noting that moissanite, although generally water-resistant, is not completely waterproof. 

This distinction is crucial for anyone who treasures their moissanite jewelry and desires to keep it looking its best.

So, what does this mean for the everyday adventures of your moissanite ring or pendant? Occasional run-ins with water will not spell doom for your precious stone. But, to keep its sparkle from dimming, you should shield your moissanite from extended exposure to elements.

By taking proactive steps, such as removing your jewelry before a swim or a shower, avoiding wearing your moissanite in hot tubs or saunas, and keeping your moissanite away from harsh chemicals or cleaning agents, you can help it withstand daily wear and maintain its dazzling brilliance for years to come.

Effects of Water on Moissanite Jewelry

Water’s embrace may seem gentle, but not all aquatic encounters are benign when it comes to moissanite jewelry. The chemicals lurking in swimming pools, like chlorine, can dull the luster of a moissanite ring and even damage its metal setting. 

Similarly, the salty caress of the ocean can leave behind minerals that create unsightly deposits on your cherished pieces. Over time, these chemical and mineral deposits can accumulate on moissanite jewelry, resulting in a lackluster appearance that betrays its inherent brilliance.

Even tap water, seemingly harmless, can contribute to the accumulation of substances that dim the shine of moissanite stones. Harsh cleaning agents and the steam from a hot shower are additional culprits that may tarnish the metal settings and affect the gemstone’s fire. The key to preserving the beauty of moissanite jewelry lies in understanding these potential threats and taking measures to protect your pieces from the effects of water and its chemical companions.

Why You Should Avoid Prolonged Exposure to Water

Water may be enticing, but for the lasting shine and longevity of moissanite jewelry, it’s better to resist. Prolonged exposure to water, particularly when it contains everyday cleansing agents such as soap and shampoo, can coat the surface of moissanite with a filmy residue. This film can reduce the stone’s sparkle, leaving it with a lackluster appearance that belies its true potential.

In all its forms, water draws residues that could dull the gem’s surface and reduce its dazzling play of light. While moissanite can handle the occasional encounter with water, it’s essential to avoid exposing it to prolonged moisture to maintain its pristine condition. Doing so ensures your moissanite jewelry remains a radiant testament to your style and elegance.

Caring for Moissanite Jewelry Around Water

The allure of moissanite jewelry is undeniable, but it does warrant specific care when it comes to water exposure. Being mindful of the environment in which you wear your moissanite can make a significant difference in maintaining its captivating sparkle. 

For instance, cold water can cause your hands to shrink, increasing the risk of rings slipping off. This risk is one reason why removing moissanite rings before plunging into the pool or ocean is recommended. Moreover, certain metal settings, such as silver, are particularly vulnerable to tarnishing from water exposure.

Shielding your moissanite from the elements does not necessitate extreme measures, only a bit of foresight and care. If wearing moissanite earrings in the shower is a must, take the time to keep them dry and away from harsh chemicals. Afterward, ensure they are thoroughly dried with a soft cloth to prevent any potential damage. By adopting these simple habits, you can enjoy the beauty of your moissanite jewelry, whether you are lounging by a pool or caught in a rain shower.

Caring for Moissanite Jewelry

Precautions to Take Before Swimming

Before diving into the cool embrace of swimming pool water or the sea's rolling waves, pause to consider the well-being of your moissanite jewelry. Water’s seemingly harmless nature disguises its potential to damage your precious stones, with pool chemicals like chlorine posing a specific threat to their metal settings. To safeguard against discoloration, damage, or even the heartbreaking possibility of loss, removing your moissanite jewelry before swimming is essential.

Swimming and water sports offer a refreshing respite from the heat, but they are no playground for your moissanite rings. The risk of your ring slipping off due to cold seawater or during rigorous activities is far too great to ignore. By heeding the specific care instructions for moissanite jewelry and removing it during such events, you can ensure your treasured pieces remain safe and undamaged for future enjoyment.

How to Protect Your Moissanite Jewelry in Humid Conditions

Humidity can rival a dip in the pool as an adversary to moissanite jewelry. Heat and UV exposure can pose a risk in such conditions, potentially leading to damage over time. Not just the water but also the harsh chemicals found in certain environments can lead to corrosion of your jewelry’s setting. Ensuring your moissanite remains dazzling requires an awareness of these factors and a commitment to preventative measures.

When the air is heavy with moisture, your moissanite jewelry needs a safe haven. Proper storage, such as a jewelry box or a pouch, can act as a sanctuary, shielding your pieces from the unforgiving elements of a humid environment. Embrace this habit, and you will find your moissanite’s shine endures, undimmed by the challenges posed by humidity and heat.

Cleaning Your Moissanite Jewelry After Water Exposure

Water may leave its mark on moissanite jewelry, but you can restore its original shimmer with the right cleaning techniques. After exposure to water, opt for a gentle cleaning solution:

  1. Mix warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap.
  2. Allow your jewelry to soak in this solution for a few minutes.
  3. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub away any residue gently.
  4. Rinse your moissanite under cold water.
  5. Pat it dry with a soft cloth.

Make sure to avoid any abrasive cleaners that could mar its surface, especially when maintaining your nickel-free items.

For those occasions when your moissanite jewelry requires deeper cleaning, a solution of baking soda and white vinegar can work wonders. 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Immerse your pieces in a solution of equal parts baking soda and white vinegar.
  2. Let them soak for a couple of hours.
  3. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly.
  4. Dry it with a soft cloth.

This method can help your moissanite emerge sparkling and free of any filmy build-up that might have dulled its brilliance.

Cleaning Your Moissanite Jewelry

Safe Cleaning Methods

The key to maintaining the luster of moissanite jewelry lies in the gentle touch of safe cleaning methods. A mild liquid detergent like original Dawn can offer a tender yet effective clean, ensuring your moissanite remains as radiant as the day you became its proud owner. For a more potent but gentle cleanse, consider a solution with water and household ammonia, taking care to soak your jewelry briefly before rinsing it thoroughly.

Alternatively, commercial non-toxic cleaners designed for jewelry like GemCare can provide a convenient and safe option for your moissanite pieces. When tackling the intricate nooks and crannies, a soft-bristled toothbrush can be your best ally, allowing you to gently clean without causing any scratches or damage to the stone or its setting. By adhering to these safe cleaning methods, your clean moissanite jewelry will continue to captivate with its pristine condition and remarkable sparkle.

Drying Techniques

Once your moissanite jewelry has been lovingly cleaned, the final step is ensuring it’s dried correctly. Patting your pieces dry with a soft, lint-free cloth is a simple yet effective way to absorb moisture without leaving fibers behind. Towels might seem obvious, but they can sometimes snag on prongs or settings, so they’re best avoided when drying.

For those who prefer a modern touch, using a hairdryer in a cool setting can hasten the drying process, leaving your moissanite jewelry ready to wear in no time. Whatever method you choose, drying your jewelry properly will prevent any lingering moisture from tarnishing the brilliance you’ve worked so hard to preserve.

Proper Storage for Moissanite Jewelry

Once your moissanite jewelry is immaculately clean, the next step toward preserving its beauty is correct storage. The perfect resting place for your moissanite is a dry, cool environment shielded from the volatility of temperature swings and the threat of high humidity. Whether nestled in its original box or a specially designed jewelry box, keeping your moissanite separate from other metals can prevent any unwanted discoloration or damage.

To further protect your cherished gemstones, consider the following:

  • Use a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box to provide an extra layer of defense against the elements.
  • Dry your pieces thoroughly before storage.
  • Use air conditioning or dehumidifiers to maintain an ideal environment within your storage area.

By caring for your moissanite jewelry with such attention to detail, you ensure its unmatched sparkle and fire will continue to captivate and enchant for generations.

The Role of Professional Cleaning and Maintenance

Though personal care and upkeep are crucial, the expertise of a professional jeweler can significantly enhance the condition of your moissanite jewelry. Professional cleaning services delve deep into the gemstone, rejuvenating its fiery brilliance and ensuring its allure remains untouched by the passage of time. Frequent cleaning is crucial to prevent the accumulation of everyday substances like body oils and lotions, and a professional jeweler’s inspection can identify any issues before they worsen.

To maintain the gleaming appearance of your moissanite, consider scheduling an annual professional cleaning session. Bi-annual inspections are also advisable to assess the integrity of the setting and to address any potential movement of the stone. Such routine maintenance not only preserves the metal band’s setting but also provides peace of mind that your investment is protected. Remember, many jewelers, like Harlem Bling, offer complimentary professional cleaning services, adding value to your purchase and ensuring customer satisfaction.


As we reach the end of our exploration into moissanite and its interactions with water, it’s clear that while this gemstone is remarkably durable and resistant to water, it is not wholly invincible. Careful handling, regular cleaning, and appropriate storage are the trifecta of practices that will maintain the brilliance and longevity of your moissanite jewelry. Whether it’s avoiding that tempting dive into the pool with your ring on or ensuring a thorough but gentle cleaning routine, these actions will ensure the sparkle of your moissanite continues to reflect the depth of your affection for it.

In essence, moissanite’s beauty is matched by its resilience, but like any precious gem, it requires a touch of care to continue shining brightly. 

By embracing the insights shared in this guide—from understanding water resistance to the nuances of cleaning and storage—you are now equipped to ensure your moissanite jewelry remains a source of pride and joy. Let your moissanite’s fire burn bright, undimmed by water or wear, and allow it to be a lasting symbol of beauty and elegance in your collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

1: Can I wear my moissanite ring in the shower?

It's best to avoid wearing your moissanite ring in the shower as the harsh chemicals in soaps and shampoos can damage the metal setting, and the heat and steam can affect the jewelry's structure.

2: Will swimming in the ocean damage my moissanite jewelry?

Yes, swimming in the ocean can potentially damage your moissanite jewelry due to the water's minerals and saltwater's corrosive nature. Removing your jewelry before swimming in the ocean is best to prevent any harm.

3: How often should I clean my moissanite jewelry?

You should clean your moissanite jewelry with mild dish soap and warm water weekly to maintain its sparkle and brilliance, and seek professional cleaning annually.

4: Is it safe to use ultrasonic cleaners on moissanite jewelry?

Yes, it is generally safe to use ultrasonic cleaners on moissanite jewelry, but it's important to ensure the metal setting is also suitable. When unsure, consult a professional jeweler.

5: How can I prevent my moissanite jewelry from tarnishing?

Store your moissanite jewelry in a dry, cool place, separate from other metals. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, and clean it regularly to prevent tarnishing.